The Eighth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2018 aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitization, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. The main focus is to provide open access to digitized cultural heritage and to set up sustainable policies for its continuous digital preservation and conservation. The priority area is the digital presentation and preservation of cultural and historical objects under conditions of risk, including those from the Burgas region. The forum will demonstrate innovative technologies and prototypes, including digital repositories, digital archives, virtual museums and digital libraries, which result from established practices and achievements in the field. Representatives of public and specialized libraries, museums, galleries, archives, centers, both national and foreign research institutions, and universities are invited to participate and exchange experiences, ideas, knowledge and best practices of the field.
Our representatives Vladimir Alexiev and Teodor Martev will be part of the conference as speakers.
Vladimir will share with us his expertise in Museum Linked Open Data: Ontologies, Datasets, Projects. Vladimir’s experience includes also ontology engineering, metadata standards, vocabularies and thesauri, RDF, RDFS, OWL2, SHACL, SKOS, SPARQL, LOD, mapping, R2RML, ETL, semantic web applications, project management, business analysis and requirements specifications. He has worked in various business domains, from Customs and Excise, to Personal Finance workflows, to Legal Procedures and Statistics, to Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities.
Teodor Martev will talk about Museum Space – Model-driven Web-based Platform for Digitalisation and Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Teodor has strong expertise in the implementation of museum management software solutions, document digitization, content management and collaboration software, also project management, business analysis, requirements specifications, etc.
Don’t miss to visit the conference, September 27-29, Conference center “Sea casino”, Burgas.